
11/9 Mang Wu

Title: A Brownian motion on the group of diffeomorphisms of the circle

Abstract: The group Diff(S1) of diffeomorphisms of the circle arises in many places in mathematical physics. It is an infinite dimensional Frechet Lie group. Since it is not locally compact, we cannot expect a Haar measure on it. But by constructing a Brownian motion on it, we can induce a family of measure on it. In part I of the talk, I will review basics of the group Diff(S1) and Brownian motions. In part II of the talk, I will construct a Brownian motion on Diff(S1) by solving a stochastic differential equation (SDE).

11/23 Dominick Scaletta

Title: Operator Methods in Quantum Theory and Uncertainty Relations

I will develop the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics by
precisely defining states and observables.  With these tools I will
discuss expectation values, which are what give us physical
predictions.  I will then define the commutation relation of operators
and their physical implications.  I will finish by proving
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, and if time allows, the
time-energy uncertainty relation.  I will not assume prior knowledge
of quantum mechanics.