UC Riverside Topology Seminar

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Fall 2006 Schedule

special days, times or locations are in red

Date Speaker Title and Abstract

Oct 4

Jean-Baptiste Meilhan
UC Riverside
Introduction to finite type invariants

Oct 11

 Jean-Baptiste Meilhan
UC Riverside
Introduction to finite type invariants II

After defining and studying last week the notion of Goussarov-Vassiliev invariants of knots and links, we show how similar finite type invariants theories can be developped for 3-manifolds.

Next we introduce the notion of C_n-move, which gives a complete topological characterization of the information contained by Goussarov-Vassiliev knot invariants: Goussarov and Habiro showed indeed that two knots are related by a sequence of C_n-moves if and only if they are not distinguished by Goussarov-Vassiliev invariants of degree < k.
We will consider here the case of links (where this equivalence is not true in general) and of string links (where this equivalence is a

Oct 18

Derek Wise
UC Riverside
Higher electromagnetism and volumetric field theory

Abstract: In two dimensions, electromagnetism is "almost" a
topological quantum field theory -- aside from the topology
of a spacetime cobordism, it requires only the area as input.
Electromagnetism has a generalization called "n-form
electromagnetism" which has similar properties: in n+1 dimensions
it requires only the volume as nontopological data.  In this
talk I'll give a general functorial definition of "volumetric field
theory", and explain how n-form electromagnetism provides an
interesting example.
Oct 21, 10-11am,
                 JiaJun Wang

A combinatorial description of $\widehat{HF}$ and $\widehat{HFK}$.

Abstract: Heegaard Floer homology is an invariant for closed three-manifold, which also gives invariants for four-manifolds, knot and links, and contact structures, etc. Conjecturally, Heegaard Floer homology is equivalent to the Seiberg-Witten theory. We will give a combinatorial description of the hat version Heegaard Floer homology of any closed oriented three-manifold. Our algorithm also allows us to compute the hat version of knot Floer homology (and link Floer homology) of a null homologous link in an arbitrary three-manifold. This is joint work with Sucharit Sarkar.

Oct 21, 11:15-12:15pm
               Yi Ni
       Princeton University
Knot Floer homology detects fibred knots.

Abstract: Knot Floer homology is a knot invariant introduced by Ozsvath and Szabo, and by Rasmussen. The Euler characteristic of knot Floer homology gives rise to the Alexander polynomial of a knot, so many properties of Alexander polynomial can be generalized to knot Floer homology. For example, if a knot is fibred, then its knot Floer homology is "monic". Ozsvath and Szabo conjectured that the converse of the previous fact is also true, namely, if the knot Floer homology is monic, then the knot is fibred. In this talk, we will discuss a proof of this conjecture, based on the works of Paolo Ghiggini and of the speaker. A corollary is that if a knot in S^3 admits a lens space surgery, then the knot is fibred.

Oct 25

Yeon Soo Yoon
Hannam University
Title: Mapping spaces and Cyclic maps

In this talk, we consider the following problems;
1) In general, the path components of the mapping space
almost never have the same homotopy type. Under what
conditions, do they have the same homotopy type?
2) It is known that the evaluation fibration Omega X --> X^S1 --> X is a fiber homotopically trivial iff for any
space B and any map g:Sigma B --> X, g is cyclic.
Clearly, cat~(Sigma B) <= 1 for any suspension space
\Sigma B. What is a necessary and sufficient condition to
be for any space Z with cat~(Z) <= k and any map
g:Z --> X, g is cyclic ?


  Nov 1
Serge 268
Cookies+Tea 3:40-

Stefano Vidussi
UC Riverside
  Symplectic 4-manifolds and subgroup separability

Abstract: In this talk I will overview some problems and
results in the study of symplectic 4-manifolds. In particular
I will discuss how the problem of classifying product
symplectic manifolds can be reduced to some standard
conjectures in 3-dimensional topology, leading to a complete
solution for suitable cases.

  Nov 8

Cornelia Van Cott
Indiana University
Braid length and its relationship to the number of braid strands

Every knot can be represented by infinitely many different braids.
In 2004, Gittings discovered some surprising examples of knots for which these braid representatives become simpler as the number of strands is increased.  We will study this occurrence and discuss several general relationships between braid length and the number of braid strands.

  Nov 15
 Bob Pelayo
  Complexes of Seifert Surfaces in S^3
This talk focuses on Kakimizu's complexes of incompressible and minimal genus Seifert surfaces for a given link L.  These simplicial complexes are defined using a disjointness property and are conjectured to be contractible.  While global properties of these complexes are relatively scarce, many local properties have been discovered by Gabai, Sakuma, and Kakimizu.  We will discuss these properties, as well as compute several explicit examples for certain classes of links.  Further, we will utilize geometric concepts like minimal surfaces (those with mean curvature zero) to obtain diameter bounds on these complexes for hyperbolic links.

  Nov 22


  Nov 29

  Dec 6
Danny Stevenson
UC Riverside
Schreier theory for Lie 2-algebras

The notion of a connection on a principal bundle is
ubiquitous in geometry and physics.  Recently, motivated by
string theory, there has been an interest in generalisations
of principal bundles, in which groups are replaced by groupoids.
Developing the geometry of these generalised principal bundles,
known as `gerbes', is an important problem.

In the case of ordinary principal bundles, Atiyah gave an elegant
formulation of the notion of a connection in terms of a splitting
of an exact sequence of Lie algebras.  In this talk we will present
a classification theorem for extensions of `Lie 2-algebras' - certain
categories whose sets of objects and morphisms have the structure
of Lie algebras - and show how the geometry of gerbes can be
understood in this framework.  We will try to illustrate how these ideas
could be put to use in studying bundles with structure group String(n).

  Dec 13
2pm-- at Serge 268
          Danny Stevenson
            UC Riverside
Schreier theory for Lie 2-algebras


Winter 2007 Schedule

special days, times or locations are in red

Date Speaker Title and Abstract