For my December 2015 diary, go here.

Diary - January 2016

John Baez

January 1, 2016

This is one of many impossible buildings imagined by the Barcelona-based artist and photographer Victor Enrich.

January 10, 2016

In December, the rover Curiosity reached some sand dunes on Mars, giving us the first views of these dunes taken from the ground instead of from above. It's impressive how the dune shoots up from the rocks here.

In fact this slope — the steep downwind slope of one of "Bagnold Dunes" along the northwestern flank of Mount Sharp — is just about 27 degrees. But mountaineers will confirm that slopes always looks steeper than they are.

The wind makes this dune move about one meter per year.

For a much taller view, check out this:

January 21, 2016

Someday computers will be free

Here is Dave Rauchwerk holding the computer his company sells. It has 4 gigabytes of storage. It does wifi and it has Bluetooth. It costs $9.

Keyboard and monitor not included — but still a good deal! Read more here:

January 23, 2016

Not everyone likes the record-breaking snow storm that hit Washington DC today. But Tian Tian, the panda in the National Zoo, seems to love it! For more, watch him on YouTube.

For my February 2016 diary, go here.

© 2017 John Baez
