In July and the first part of August there was a workshop on Mathematical Problems of Quantum Gravity at the Erwin Schrödinger Institute in Vienna, run by Peter Aichelburg and Abhay Ashtekar. One of the goals of this workshop was to gather together people working on the loop representation of quantum gravity and have them tackle some of the big open problems in this subject. For some time now, the most important outstanding problem has been to formulate the Wheeler-DeWitt equation in a rigorous way by making the Hamiltonian constraint into a well-defined operator. Just before the workshop began, Thomas Thiemann put four papers aimed at solving this problem onto the preprint archive gr-qc [1]. This led to quite a bit of excitement as the workshop participants began working through the details. A personal account of the workshop as a whole can be found on my website [2]; here I wish only to give an introduction to Thiemann's work. In the interests of brevity I will not attempt to credit the many people whose work I allude to.
An interesting feature of Thiemann's approach is that while it
uses the whole battery of new techniques developed in the loop
representation of quantum gravity, in some respects it returns to
earlier ideas from geometrodynamics. Recall that in
geometrodynamics á la Wheeler and DeWitt, the basic
canonically conjugate variables were the 3-metric and
extrinsic curvature
. The idea was to quantize these,
making them into operators acting on wavefunctions on the space
of 3-metrics, and then to quantize the Hamiltonian and
diffeomorphism constraints and seek wavefunctions annihilated
by these quantized constraints. However, this program soon became
regarded as dauntingly difficult for various reasons, one being
the non-polynomial nature of the Hamiltonian constraint:
In the 1980's Ashtekar found a new formulation of general
relativity in which the canonically conjugate variables are a
densitized complex triad field and a chiral spin
. When all the constraints are satisfied, these
are related to the original geometrodynamical variables by
Actually, in this formulation one works with the densitized
Hamiltonian constraint, given by
A more immediately evident problem was that because is
complex-valued, the corresponding 3-metric is also complex-valued
unless one imposes extra `reality conditions'. The reality
conditions are easy to deal with in the Riemannian theory, where
the signature of spacetime is taken to be
. There one can
handle them by working with a real densitized triad field
and an
connection given not by the above formula
but by
Despite these problems, the enthusiasm generated by the new
variables led to a burst of work on canonical quantum gravity.
Many new ideas were developed, most prominently the loop
representation. In the Riemannian theory, this allows one to
rigorously construct a Hilbert space of wavefunctions on the
space of
connections on space. The idea is to work
with graphs embedded in space, and for each such graph to define
a Hilbert space of wavefunctions depending only on the holonomies
of the connection along the edges of the graph. Concretely, if
the graph
edges, the holonomies along its are
summarized by a point in
, and the
Hilbert space we get is
, defined using Haar
measure on
. If the graph
is contained in a
larger graph
is contained in
and one has
. We can thus form the union of all these
Hilbert spaces and complete it to obtain the desired Hilbert
One can show that has a basis of `spin networks', given
by graphs with edges labeled by representations of
i.e., spins -- and vertices labeled by vectors in the tensor
product of the representations labeling the incident edges. One
can also rigorously quantize geometrically interesting
observables such as the total volume of space, obtaining
operators on
. The matrix elements of these operators
can be explicitly computed in the spin network basis.
Thiemann's approach applies this machinery developed for the
Riemannian theory to Lorentzian gravity by exploiting the interplay
between the Riemannian and Lorentzian theories. He takes as his
canonically conjugate variables an connection
and a real densitized triad field
, and takes as his
Hilbert space
as defined above. This automatically
deals with the reality conditions, as in the Riemannian case.
Then he writes the Lorentzian Hamiltonian constraint in terms
of these variables, and quantizes it to obtain a densely defined
operator on
-- modulo some subtleties we discuss below.
Interestingly, it is crucial to his approach that he quantizes
the Hamiltonian constraint
rather than the densitized
Hamiltonian constraint
. This avoids the regularization
problems that plagued attempts to quantize
He writes the Lorentzian Hamiltonian constraint in terms of
in a clever way, as follows. First he notes
If we use the standard trick of replacing Poisson brackets by
commutators, these formulas reduce the problem of quantizing
to the problem of quantizing
, and
. As
noted, the volume has already been successfully quantized, and
the resulting `volume operator' is known quite explicitly. This
leaves the connection and curvature.
Now, a fundamental fact about the loop representation -- at
least as currently formulated -- is that the connection and
curvature do not correspond to well-defined operators on
, even if one smears them with test functions in the
usual way. Instead, one has operators corresponding to the
holonomy along paths in space. The holonomy along an open path
can be used to define a kind of substitute for
, and the
holonomy around an open loop to define a substitute for
. One cannot, however, take the limit as the path or
loop shrinks to zero length. Thus the best one can do when
quantizing a polynomial in
is to choose
some paths or loops and use the substitutes built from
holonomies. This eliminates problems associated with multiplying
operator-valued distributions, but it introduces another kind of
ambiguity: dependence on the arbitrary choice of path or loop.
So, ironically, while the factors of
in the
Hamiltonian constraint are essential in Thiemann's approach, the
polynomial expressions in
problematic ambiguities! Accepting but carefully minimizing this
ambiguity, Thiemann obtains for any lapse function
a large
family of different versions of the smeared Hamiltonian
constraint operator. The ambiguity is such that two different
versions acting on a spin network give spin networks differing
only by a diffeomorphism of space. Mathematically speaking we
may describe this as follows. Let
be the
space of finite linear combinations of spin networks, and let
be the space of finite linear combinations of spin
networks modulo diffeomorphisms. Then Thiemann obtains, for any
choice of lapse function
, a Hamiltonian constraint operator
Since these operators do not map a space to itself we
cannot ask whether they satisfy the naively expected commutation
relations, the `Dirac algebra'. However, this should come as no
surprise, since the Dirac algebra also involves other
operator-valued distributions that are ill-defined in the loop
representation, such as
. Thiemann does check as far as
possible that the consequences one would expect from the Dirac
algebra really do hold. Thus if one is troubled by how arbitrary
choices of paths and loops prevent one from achieving a
representation of the Dirac algebra, one is really troubled by
the assumption, built into the loop representation, that
, and
are not well-defined
operator-valued distributions. Ultimately, the validity of this
assumption can only be known through its implications for physics.
The great virtue of Thiemann's work is that it brings us closer
to figuring out these implications.