Deltoid Rolling Inside Astroid

Deltoid Rolling Inside Astroid - Greg Egan

Deltoid Rolling Inside Astroid – Greg Egan

A deltoid is a curve formed by rolling a circle inside a circle whose radius is 3 times larger. Similarly, an astroid is a curve formed by rolling a circle inside a circle whose radius is 4 times larger. The picture here, drawn by Greg Egan, shows a deltoid moving inside an astroid. Note that it fits in a perfectly snug way!

It looks like it’s rolling. However, it doesn’t truly ‘roll’ in the true sense of classical mechanics—-it slides a bit as it rolls.

This pattern continues. The hypocycloid with n cusps is the curve formed by rolling a circle inside a circle whose radius is n times larger. A hypocycloid with n cusps moves snugly inside a hypocycloid with n+1 cusps.

For another relation between the deltoid and astroid, see:

Astroid as catacaustic of deltoid, Visual Insight.

This pattern does not continue.

To see why the hypocycloid with n cusps moves snugly inside a hypocycloid with n+1 cusps, it helps to think about a related surprise. Recall that the special unitary group SU(n) consists of n×n unitary matrices with determinant 1. In fact, the set of complex numbers that are the trace of some matrix in the group SU(n) is filled-in hypocycloid with n cusps! This is discussed here:

• N. Kaiser, Mean eigenvalues for simple, simply connected, compact Lie groups.

But here is a fairly self-contained proof put together by Greg Egan, with some help from Shanthanu Bhardwaj and Aaron Wolbach.

If you have a matrix in SU(n+1), its n+1 eigenvalues can be any unit complex numbers that multiply to 1, and its trace is the sum of these numbers. We can take n of them to be eiθ, and then the remaining one has to be einθ. Then their sum is


But this is also the curve traced out by a small circle of radius 1 rolling inside a big circle of radius n+1. Why? As it rolls, the small circle’s center moves around a circle of radius n, tracing out the curve neiθ. But as it rolls, the small circle turns in the opposite direction at an angular velocity that’s n times higher. This gives the term einθ.

In short, we have seen that


is a hypocycloid with n+1 cusps, and if we define




In fact, the hypocycloid Hn+1 is precisely the boundary of tr(SU(n+1)). To show this, note that the eigenvalues of any element of SU(n+1) can be written as


so its trace is


where the angles ϕi are arbitrary. When all the ϕi equal the same angle θ, the trace gives a point in the hypocycloid Hn+1. But if we compute the derivative of the trace with respect to any angle ϕi at a point where they’re all equal, the derivative is always tangent to this hypocycloid: it’s just 1n1 times the derivative of


with respect to θ. Except at the cusps, some neighborhood of the tangent line lies in the interior of the filled hypocycloid, so no change in the ϕi can take you out of it. And at the cusps, moving along the tangent out of the hypocycloid would take you out of the disk of radius n, which is forbidden by the triangle inequality.

Furthermore, any point inside the hypocycloid Hn+1 is an element of tr(SU(n+1)). To see this, note that SU(n+1) is simply connected, and thus so is its image under the continuous map


Since its image includes the hypocycloid Hn+1, which bounds a set homeomorphic to a disk, its image must include this whole set. (Here we use a fact from topology, that a subset of a disk containing the boundary but missing some point in the interior cannot be simply connected.)

In summary, tr(SU(n+1)) is precisely the closed set in the plane bounded by hypocycloid Hn+1. We can use this to see that a hypocycloid with n cusps rolls snugly inside a hypocycloid with n+1 cusps. Recall that the eigenvalues of a matrix in SU(n) are of the form


where the angles ϕi are arbitrary. On the other hand, the eigenvalues of any element of SU(n+1) can be written as


where the angles ϕi and θ are arbitrary. Thus we have


As θ ranges from 0 to 2π, this gives a filled-in hypocycloid with n cusps moving snugly inside one with n+1 cusps!

Egan’s picture above illustrates the case n=2. The circling red dot shows what happens as θ changes. Each of the colored lines shows what happens when we vary ϕ1, while the progression from line to line sweeping out a filled-in deltoid is due to varying ϕ2.

For Egan’s movie of the case n=3, and also some movies of nested hypocycloids, each one moving in the next, see:

For the discussion in which this proof was put together, see the comments here: