A cubic surface is one defined by a polynomial equation of degree 3. A nodal surface is one whose only singularities are ordinary double points: that is, points where it looks like the origin of the cone in 3-dimensional space defined by
Cayley’s nodal cubic surface, drawn above by Abdelaziz Nait Merzouk, is the cubic surface with the largest possible number of ordinary double points, namely 4. In fact, every cubic with 4 ordinary double points is isomorphic to this one.
Cayley’s nodal cubic surface is described by this equation
This equation determines a subset with complex dimension 2. Note that if is a solution, so is any multiple . We may thus projectivize , treating any solution as ‘the same’ as any multiple of that solution. The result is an algebraic variety in the complex projective space . This variety has complex dimension 2, so it is called a complex surface. To obtain an ordinary real 2-dimensional surface we may take its intersection with a copy of in .
Sitting inside we in turn have many copies of ordinary 3-dimensional space, . The pictures above show the portion of Cayley’s nodal cubic surface living in one of these copies.
The simple double points in Cayley’s nodal cubic occur where three of the coordinates are zero. The hyperplane determines a copy of inside , and taking all four coordinates to be real gives a copy of in which these double points lie at the vertices of a regular tetrahedron. Indeed, the symmetry group of Cayley’s nodal cubic is , the symmetry group of a tetrahedron.
Puzzle 1. There are 9 lines on Cayley’s nodal cubic surface. 6 of these lines contain the edges of the tetrahedron described above. What are the other 3 lines?
Some interesting properties of Cayley’s nodal cubic surface are discussed here:
• Bruce Hunt, Nice modular varieties, Experimental Mathematics 9 (2000), 613–622.
In particular, he explains how it is a compactification of a quotient of a ball, and a moduli space for certain abelian fourfolds.
Puzzle 2. Show that after a change of variables, Cayley’s nodal cubic surface can also be described by the equation
Abdelaziz Nait Merzouk created the pictures above and made them available on Google+ under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.