README file For the paper: Solving for Equilibrium in the Basic Bathtub Model Arnott and Buli (2017) ============================================================================ Code can be found at: ============================================================================ How To Use The Code ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a set of 4 MATLAB files, for each case considered in the paper Arnott and Buli (2017). For the fixed trip distance parameter L, there is a maximum number of cycles, specifically three full cycles and one partial cycle. The difference in each of the files is: 1) Size of the matrices (4.24) and (4.25). The matirices increase in size by one in the number of rows and columns as the number of cycles increases. 2) The \delta u and \delta t values are different depending on the number of cycles, and if the system is congested or hypercongested. 3) The way the new value of start time is computed in the inner loop. Code is present for using a fixed \delta t which is subtracted from the current value of start time. Also, a Newton's Method was also used, so that code is present as well. The utility parameters for the logarithmic utility function were chosen to give sensible results, as stated in the paper. The utility values were estimated to give values similar to the exponential utility function given in the paper Hjorth, K et. all (2015). The code for the algorithm can be run directly in the MATLAB console as a script, without any additional functions or downloads. The G and H function file requires saved data found in the sub- folder labeled "Saved Data". For example, to use the algorithm for the one partial entry cycle code, and one specific value of utility, the while loop in lines 211 and 575 can be commented out. For example, with the logarthimic utility function, lines 180/181 can be commented out, and 182/183 can be uncommented, to create Figure 5.1 from the paper. To find an appropriate starting value t_up, the G and H function code can be run to give an approximate starting value for the time of the first departure. The code for one full, one partial entry cycle is currently set to only produce Figure 5.3, ie. for one value of utility where aggregate hypercongestion is seen. This can be changed to get the equilibrium for all the utility levels for one full, one partial entry cycle by commenting out the analagous lines of code as the case in the above paragraph. The code for the other cases can similarly be modified to plot the equilibrium functions. If the value of the trip distance, L, is changed, then the G functions will have to be recomputed using the G and H function file on the website. The G and H function plot includes the G functions for the provided utility values for the logarithmic utility function case using the MATLAB function "fimplcit". The G functions can also be computed using the contourplot command. Both methods are included, but the fimplicit method is the one implemented. For better resolution, increase the value of 'MeshDensity' in the plot command. For higher values, the plot becomes more refined at lower utilities, but the computation takes longer, and the file will be of large size (GB's). The Figure 1 that is printed, is of the G and H functions, which is Figure 4.2 in the paper. The figures involving the number of commuters can also be created via the G and H function file. Figure 2 is the plot of utility vs the number of commuters N. Figure 3 recreates Figure 5.4(a) from the paper. Figure 4 is the plot of number of commuters vs. the time of the first entry.