[last update 2000-2-4] feynman diagrams and categorification the mathematical formalism of feynman diagrams can be understood as arising from the possibility of expressing physically important linear operators as algebraic combinations of so-called "annihilation and creation operators". (i don't know enough about the history of feynman diagrams to say to exactly what extent this is how the formalism actually did arise, though.) it's tempting to try to relate these creation and annihilation operators (which in some representations can be seen as multiplication and differentiation operators, respectively) to the categorified multiplication and differentiation operators which act on so-called combinatorial species [1], particularly since the whole idea of feynman diagrams already suggests categorification (=, very roughly, the progression/regression from the study of quantities to the study of combinatorial objects counted by those quantities). (the categorification idea implicit in the use of feynman diagrams traces back in a way to einstein's re-interpretation of the ideas of planck, who introduced discretization (that is the natural numbers in contrast to the reals) but not categorification (that is the finite sets in contrast to the natural numbers) into physics. planck was (i think just barely) willing to think in terms of a "ladder" with regularly spaced rungs, but rejected einstein's idea that the rungs represented the cardinalities of sets of "photons". creation and annihilation operators are operators which "step up" and "step down" the ladder, respectively; their matrixes with respect to the "ladder" basis have non-zero entries only along a diagonal next to the main diagonal.) however an attempt to carry out the above program runs into certain difficulties, most of which seem to be related to the fact that the de-categorification process from combinatorial species to power series assigning to a monomial species x^m/g (where x is a formal variable, m a finite set, and g a subgroup of m!) the de-categorified monomial x^m/g (where now m is the cardinality of the finite set m and g the cardinality of the finite group g) lacks sufficiently strong formal properties. in particular, preservation of substitution by the de-categorification process, though holding somewhat generally, fails in the crucial case where the substituted species is of zeroth degree. with an eye towards repairing this failure, let's examine more closely why it occurs. substituting x^m/g into x^n/h means forming the "wreath product" of the concrete groups (m,g>->m!) and (n,h>->n!). that means taking the semi-direct product (call it "p") of h acting on g^n, and letting it act in the hopefully obvious way on the cartesian product mXn. but in the special case where m=0, (mXn,p->[mXn]!) will generally _not_ be a concrete group yet, because the group homomorphism p->[mXn]! won't be faithful; thus to complete the construction the group p must be replaced by it's image p' under the homomorphism p->[mXn]!. this last step is what spoils the compatibility between substitution and de-categorification. the apparent resolution of this difficulty is to change the formalism so that the final step in the substitution process, the replacement of p by p' that causes all the problems, is omitted. thus we want to enlarge the category of objects under study from just the groupoids fibered faithfully over the groupoid of finite sets (that is, essentially just the combinatorial species in the usual sense) to the groupoids fibered over the groupoid of finite sets, faithfully or not. (in the further development of the theory it may be desirable to enlarge the category even further to include higher-dimensional groupoids fibered over the groupoid of finite sets, or to go even further; but it's probably unnecessary to consider such developments for my present purposes.) this new formalism is, according to my again imperfect understanding of history, not actually that new. as i understand it (based partly on a conversation a long time ago with todd trimble, who's not responsible if i misrembered what they said), kelly [2] considered something like categories fibered over the category of categories (possibly with the word "small" thrown in there somewhere) as representing operations on categories built out of basic 2-limit and 2-colimit operations (with the 2-limits distributing over the 2-colimits in a certain way that generally wouldn't happen if considered in some 2-category more general than the 2-category of categories). the groupoids fibered over the groupoid of finite sets are included among kelly's objects, corresponding to operations on groupoids built out of basic tensor product (actually just the usual cartesian product of groupoids, but treated as just a tensor product not assumed to be cartesian) and 2-colimit operations (with distributivity of tensor product over 2-colimits). thus the basic modification converting the formalism of combinatorial species into the new formalism is the systematic replacement of ordinary colimits by 2-colimits (perhaps it's better to say by homotopy colimits, with an eye toward further developments). now we define the "homotopy cardinality" of a connected groupoid to be the reciprocal of the size of it's fundamental group, with additivity under discrete sums to extend the definition to arbitrary groupoids. the point of this concept of "homotopy cardinality" is to treat groupoids (or at least those of finite homotopy cardinality) as categorified positive real numbers, somewhat analogously to the way in which the ordinary concept of cardinality amounts to a way of treating finite sets as categorified natural numbers. (though of course groupoids of the same homotopy cardinality need not be equivalent, in contrast to the way in which sets of the same cardinality must be isomorphic. perhaps that means that i'm stretching the meaning of the concept "categorification" here, but i tend to consider it a concept that needs some stretching anyway.) consider now some well-known useful combinatorial species such as for example the underlying combinatorial species of the commutative monoid operad. this is supposed to be the categorified analog of the exponential function. what a disappointment it is then to take the free commutative monoid on a set of cardinality 1 and discover that the cardinality of it's underlying set is not 2.718281828... . no such disappointment occurs when we examine the homotopy cardinality of the underlying groupoid of the free symmetric monoidal groupoid on a groupoid of homotopy cardinality 1 (for example the contractible groupoid). ("underlying groupoid of the free symmetric monoidal groupoid on x" is what the operation "underlying set of the free commutative monoid on x" becomes when colimits are systematicly replaced by homotopy colimits as discussed above.) as in the above example, the process of de-categorification generally behaves much more nicely in the new formalism than in the old formalism of combinatorial species. this means that we can, much more easily than before, create de-categorified things with interesting properties by first creating categorified things with analogous properties and then systematicly de-categorifying. for example, the simplest uses of feynman diagrams, to construct and describe interesting linear operators on the fock space of a 1-dimensional hilbert space, can be analyzed in this way. a groupoid fibered over the groupoid of pairs of finite sets (the categorified analog of a power series in 2 variables) can be treated as the categorified "matrix" of a categorified linear operator on the categorified "vector space" of groupoids fibered over the groupoid of finite sets (the categorified analog of power series in 1 variable), and the simplest kinds of feynman diagrams are basicly just pictures of the objects in such a categorified-2-variable-power-series, which when de-categorified becomes the "kernel" (if the 2-variable power series is viewed as the taylor series of a 2-variable function) or "matrix" (if treated formally) of a linear operator on the fock space. i'd like to develop this program further, extending the formalism to cover the fancier uses of feynman diagrams in physics, making contact with other developments in mathematics and physics, and putting some emphasis on the question of whether the occurrence in physics of things with interesting categorifications might indicate that the categorifications themselves have some sort of physical reality. (sorry i didn't get around to describing a specific concrete example of a "species of feynman diagrams" here; i may try to fix that omission later.) [1] joyal, ???? [2] kelly, ????