Operator Algebras and Related Topics

Organizers: Marta Asaeda, Feng Xu

Spring 2011: Wednesdays for 11:10am--12pm, at Surge 268

3/30, 4/6: Dominick Scaletta

4/13, 20: Nishu Lal

Winter 2011: Wednesdays for 10:10--11am at Surge 277

1/12: Dominick Scaletta, "Principal Fiber Bundles and the Hopf Fibration in Quantum Theory 2: Connections on Principal Bundles and Their Applications"

1/19: Dominick Scaletta, "Principal Fiber Bundles and the Hopf Fibration in Quantum Theory 3: Electromagnetism, Magnetic Monopoles and the Aharonov Bohm Effect"

1/26: Feng Xu, "Introductions to operator algebraic aspects of conformal field theory I"

2/2: Feng Xu, "Introductions to operator algebraic aspects of conformal field theory II"

Fall 2010: Tuesdays for 10:10-11am at Surge 284

10/26: Marta Asaeda, "Operator algebras for complete beginners I" (prerequisite: matrix maltiplication, eigenvalues, etc.)

11/2: Marta Asaeda, "Operator algebras for complete beginners II"

11/9: Mang Wu, "A Brownian motion on the group of diffeomorphisms of the circle" Abstract

11/16: Mang Wu

11/23: Dominick Scaletta, "Operator Methods in Quantum Theory and Uncertainty Relations" Abstract

11/30: Dominick Scaletta, "Principal Fiber Bundles and the Hopf Fibration in Quantum Theory 1: Mathematical Foundations"