China For Jesus: China Gospel Fellowship Statement June 3, 2002 Here are a few statements in response to the news that has been released among the overseas Christians about the kidnap that happened to China Gospel Fellowship.

1. The actual number of people kidnapped: 34 people.

2. Ministry status after the kidnap of the leaders:

After the kidnap of our leaders on April 16, the remaining core leaders and the second generation leaders immediately formed a new core leadership group that has since undertaken various ministries in our Fellowship, as well as the task of rescuing the kidnapped. The ministries of the Rescue Team, Administrative Team and Itinerating Team have been progressing steadily and orderly, not in "chaos" as some have described.

3. The rescue and release of the kidnapped:

Our Rescue Team and Administrative Team made the following decisions:

1. Set up intercession teams in each region in China to fast and pray particularly for this event.

2. Report the case to the police. We reported the case to the public security offices of the cities in which the kidnap happened, and received the recognition of the government.

With the pressure the government has put on the Eastern Lightning cult, and with the prayer of many overseas churches before the Lord, our kidnapped leaders are being gradually released.

4. About the information many have released:

Many people have released news without the approval of China Gospel Fellowship. We have made an Internet statement that no individual or organization should release any information about the April 16 kidnap without our permission, so as to keep wrong information from confusing the readers. We don't understand why some people have ignored our request.

In the future, at the appropriate time, we will give more detailed statements relating to this event.

5. How people have responded:

Ever since the occurring of the kidnap, people have been responding to us in many ways. Some prayed fervently for us, some called to comfort us, some visited to encourage us. However, some spread words of condemnation. Some looked on with folded arms, hit us when we tripped, and applauded in secret. Some took advantage of our suffering and spread rumors so as to promote their own interest.

We make this request to those who condemn and exaggerate: please restrain yourselves! Those who spread rumors or purposefully promote themselves to beguile overseas churches, please be aware that one day everything will be revealed.

To those who have helped us and prayed for and encouraged us, we hereby extend our great appreciation on behalf of all members of China Gospel Fellowship as well as the kidnapped and their families. May God remember you even more!

China Gospel Fellowship
June 3, 2002