In our paper "Existence of Extremal Metrics on Almost Homogeneous Manifolds of Cohomogeneity One" we gave a proof of the existence of K\"ahler-Einstein metrics on $M_{n}$ the blow-up of $CP^{n}\times CP^{n}$ along the diagonal by conidering the Ricci class and the symmetric Ricci curvature equation. In this paper we consider the general K\"ahler classes and the scalar curvature equations as it was in my earier paper "Existence of Extremal Metrics on Almost Homogeneous Spaces with Two Ends". New feature appears in this paper. We can prove the existence for a K\"ahler class with which certain integral is negative. We expect that if the considered integral is nonnegative then there is no extremal metric in the considered K\"ahler class. This is suggested from the generalized Futaki invariants constructed by Ding and Tian. Therefore, our result can be considered as examples of the converse of Tian's observation on the weakly K-stability. We also give a complete proof for the existence of constant scalar curvature on almost homogeneous manifolds with two hypersurface ends and with reductive automorphism group, which we need in this paper. We shall consider the manifolds $N_{n}=M_{n}/S_{2}$ in the third paper.(Abstract posted on Dec. 7, 1998)

1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: 32M12, 53C25, 14M20, 14J45, 32L07