Daniel(Zhuang-dan) Guan's Home Page---Economic Earthquake?

In 1999, at the beginning of August, a brother bought a book named "The Great Economic Earthquake" which forsaw a last economic depression in this world. While he was reading that book many REAL earthquakes occured which include the Aug. 17 the Turkey earthquake, the Sept. 21 the Taiwan earthquake, the Oct. 16 the California earthquake. While he was telling the stories of them three times to related gospel friends, there were three big earthquakes followed the next days immediately with a few casualties. Was the Lord giving him a confirmation of the coming economic earthquke?

This page was set up about the end of 2001. After that we saw ENRON collapsed. While Enron in the cult practice means Norne (read backward), a plural form of Norn, the three goddesses of fortune, the year 2002 is the radar year, you get same thing by reading backward. Does this reflect the cultism practices in this world?

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