The Moors in Antiquity: A Bibliography

Compiled by Runoko Rashidi

Ali, Yusuf.  "The Music of the Moors in Spain (Al-Andalus, 711-1492) Origins of Andalusian Musical Art: Its Development and Influence on Western Culture" Golden Age of the Moor. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1992: 278-330.

Banjoko, Adisa Sebaku.  "Moor Reflections." 4080 2, No. 2 (Feb 1994): 44-45.

Brunson, James E., and Runoko Rashidi.  " The Moors in Antiquity." Golden Age of the Moor. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1992: 27-84.

Carew, Jan Rynveld.  Moorish Culture-Bringers: Bearers of Enlightenment. Golden Age of the Moor. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1992: 248-77.

Chandler, Wayne B.  "The Moor: Light of Europe's Dark Age." Golden Age of the Moor. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1992: 151-81.

Chinyelu, Mamadou.  "Africans in the Birth and Expansion of Islam." Golden Age of the Moor. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1992: 151-81.

Cobb, Martha.  "Afro-Arabs, Blackamoors and Blacks: An Inquiry into Race Concepts Race Concepts Through Spanish Literature." Black World 21 (Feb 1972): 32-40.

Cox, George O.  "The Umayyad Empire and the Caliphate of Cordoba." Chap. in African Empires and Civilizations: Ancient and Medieval. Washington, D.C.: African Heritage Studies, 1974: 133-58.

Fletcher, Richard. Moorish Spain. New York: Henry Holt. 1992.

Forbes, Jack D.  "Negro, Black and Moor: The Evolution of these Terms as Applied to Native Americans and Others." Chap. in African and Native Americans: The Language of Race and the Evolution of Red-Black Peoples. 2d ed. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1993: 65-92.

Gunn, John.  Review of Golden Age of the Moor, edited by Ivan Van Sertima. In Upscale 4, No. 3 (February 1993): 120.

Jackson, John G.  "The Empire of the Moors." Compiled, with an Appendix, by Runoko Rashidi. Golden Age of the Moor. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1992: 85-92.

Mones, H.  "The Conquest of North Africa and Berber Resistance." UNESCO General History of Africa. Vol. 3: Africa from the Seventh to the Eleventh Century. Edited by M. El Fasi. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988: 224-45.

Pimienta-Bey, Jose V.  "Moorish Spain: Academic Source and Foundation for the Rise and Success of Western European Universities in the Middle Ages." Golden Age of the Moor. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1992: 182-247.

Rashidi, Runoko.  "The Expulsion from Spain and the Dispersal of the Moors." The Knowledge Broker (Jan 1995): 2.

Rashidi, Runoko.  "The Moorish Conquest of Europe." The Knowledge Broker (Nov 1995): 2, 6.

Ravell, James.  "An Annotated Bibliography of the Moors: 711-1492 A.D." Golden Age of the Moor. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1992: 407-54.

Read, Jan.  The Moors in Spain and Portugal. London: Faber & Faber, 1974.

Reynolds, Dana.  "The African Heritage and Ethnology of the Moors: Background to the Emergence of Early Berber and Arab Peoples, from prehistory to the Islamic Dynasties." Golden Age of the Moor. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1992: 93-150.

Ricard, Tarik, and Nijel Binns.  Review of the Story of the Moors in Spain, by Stanley Lane-Poole. In Community 2, No. 8 (1990): 7-8.

Scobie, Edward.  "The Moors and Portugal's Global Expansion." Golden Age of the Moor. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1992: 331-59.

Van Sertima, Ivan.  "The African Presence in Early Europe: The Definitional Problem." African Presence in Early Europe. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1985: 134-43.

Van Sertima, Ivan.  "The Moor in Africa and Europe: Origins and Definitions." Golden Age of the Moor. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1992: 1-8.

Van Sertima, Ivan.  "The Moor in Europe: Influences and Contributions." Golden Age of the Moor. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1992: 9-26.

Van Sertima, Ivan.  The Golden Age of the Moor. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1992.


Copyright 1998 Runoko Rashidi. All rights reserved.