Here are two nontechnical descriptions of the binary pulsar work for which Hulse and Taylor won the Nobel Prize:
``The Binary Pulsar: Gravity Waves Exist,''
C. M. Will, Mercury, Nov-Dec 1987, p. 162.
``Gravitational Waves from an Orbiting Pulsar,'' J. M. Weisberg,
J. H. Taylor, and L. A. Fowler,
Scientific American, Oct 1981, p. 74.
Here is a review article on the ongoing efforts to directly detect
gravitational waves:
``Detection of Gravitational Waves,'' J. Lu, D. G. Blair, and C.
Zhao, Reports on Progress in Physics, 63, 1317-1427 (2000).
Some present and future experiments to detect gravitational radiation are
described here:
LIGO Laboratory Home Page,
The Virgo Project,
Laser Interferometer Space Antenna,