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Who put on the ribbons?

Lieven le Bruyn traces back the photo to Robert Lawlor's 1982 book Sacred Geometry. Lawlor writes:

The five regular polyhedra or Platonic solids were known and worked with well before Plato's time. Keith Critchlow in his book Time Stands Still presents convincing evidence that they were known to the Neolithic peoples of Britain at least 1000 years before Plato. This is founded on the existence of a number of spherical stones kept in the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford. Of a size one can carry in the hand, these stones were carved into the precise geometric spherical versions of the cube, tetrahedron, octahedron, icosahedron and dodecahedron, as well as some additional compound and semi-regular solids...
But is this true?

Quote from: taken from Lieven le Bruyn, The Scottish Solids Hoax, on his blog neverendingbooks, March 25, 2009.