Next: John
Baez: Things that Up: Schmotons
Previous: Schmotons
Michael Weiss
These notes are derived from the "Photons, Shmotons'' thread that ran
on sci.physics.research in the summer of 1997 -- later corrected to
"Photons, Schmotons". As editor, I've wielded
a pretty free hand, correcting minor errors, imposing a consistent set
of conventions, rearranging the order and condensing the discussion in
places. On the other hand, I've kept some of the false starts and more
rough-hewn derivations, even when slicker approaches appear later. I've
omitted material that distracted from the main thrust of the argument.
Some of the omitted material has a natural place in a sequel; watch those
photons on s.p.r!
These notes are also available in PDF,
Postscript and LaTeX
formats. The HTML version you see here just has worse typesetting.
There is also a second group of notes, but currently available in
PDF, Postscript,
and LaTeX formats, not HTML.
The sections here usually correspond to posts; the original author is
given in the title, but I've chosen the section titles.
Michael Weiss