The Wobbling of the Earth and Other Curiosities

John Baez

April 10, 2005

That's the end of the story for now! Over five years have passed since Michael Weiss wrote the last episode, and the world is a different place. The cozy community of physics fans on the newsgroup I used to moderate was disrupted by the growth of the internet; we've all gotten older and busier, and we don't have conversations like this anymore. I feel nostalgic rereading these articles....

But, I just ran into two annotated references on the wobbling of the Earth, which I would like to read if I ever get the time. They're from the 2nd edition of Goldstein's Classical Mechanics:

You can get some more interesting information from the IERS Special Bureau for Tides.

Ciao... for now!

© 2005 John Baez
