Algebraic Topology
Math 246A - Winter 2018

Instructor: Carl Mautner
Meeting time: MWF 10-11 in room Surge 268.
Office hours: M 11-1 (or by appointment) in room 255 Surge

Course Description:

This class will begin roughly where 201B left off. We will study the cohomology of topological spaces and then move on to homotopy theory. Next quarter we will continue with characteristic classes, spectral sequences and possibly other topics.

Text: We will mostly follow chapters 3 and 4 of Algebraic Topology by Allen Hatcher. The book is available for free online at the author's website as well as in print.

Grades: The grade will be based on homework assignments.

Homework: A list of the homework problems will be kept on this webpage.

Collaboration policy: You are encouraged to discuss homework problems with other students. However, you should think about the problems yourself before discussing them with others and the final write-up of any solution should be your own. Copying other students' solutions is not allowed. For each question on the problem set, please write a list of everyone with whom you collaborated on that problem. If you did not collaborate with anyone, please explicitly write, "No collaborators."

Homework assignments:
1) (due Wed. Jan. 24th) Hatcher Section 3.1, problems 5, 9 and 11. Also to do, but doesn't need to be turned in - Section 2.2, problem 43.
2) (due Mon. Feb. 5th) Hatcher Section 3.2, problems 1, 6, 7, and 11.
3) (not to be turned in, unless you would like the feedback) Hatcher Section 3.3, problems 7, 22, 25 and the additional problems 1 and 6 for the same section.
4) (due Fri. March 9th) pdf, pick one problem to turn in.

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