Illumination Some of my celtic knotwork and calligraphy.
WETa This drawing is by my son Aidan. We found a dead weta in our backyard, so we brought it in and drew it. While my picture captured what I saw, Aidan's rendering captured perfectly what I felt.

Bit Commitment Blues "You think I got zero knowledge, \ But I know you done me wrong. \ Just commit to me baby, \ So's I can sing a happier song! \ One bit of commitment, \ That's all I really need, \ So send me your hashed answer \ And the random seed..."

Feynman and the quantum computer Apologies to Bill Cosby.
Ricki A story about the dangers of sylvan achitecture.
Eternal Families A talk I gave at church about the symbols used to describe the relationship between families and God.
Knights to the Lord of Hosts My farewell talk in church when we left Auckland.
Math puns Some puns I wrote, with which I'm particularly happy.