Turing Zeta Functions
Mike Stay
(Work done with Cristian Calude at University of Auckland, New Zealand)
What is information?
- Liebniz, 1686: The year before Newton's Principia
- How to distinguish a world describable by science from one that isn't?
- "Lawful behavior"
- Data fitting
- Law is a smaller description of the data
What's a description?
- Church, 1934: Lambda calculus
- Turing, 1936: Turing machines, compute the same functions as lambda calculus
- A description of x relative to a programming language is a program in that language with no inputs and whose output is x.
Turing Machines
- Turing machines have
- a bi-infinite tape
- a read/write head
- internal state
- A state is a row in a three column table:
- new bit
- new state
- right or left
or a special HALT state.
Turing Machines
- This makes a Turing machine a partial computable function from binary strings to binary strings:
$T:\{0,1\}^* \stackrel{\circ}{\to} \{0,1\}^*$
Universal Turing Machines
- A Turing machine $U$ is universal if
- $\forall$ Turing machines $T$,
- $\exists c_T \in \{0,1\}^*$ such that
- $\forall p \in \{0,1\}^*$,
- $\exists p' \in \{0,1\}^*$ such that
$U(p') = T(p)$
$|p'| \le |p| + |c_T|$.
Universal Programming Language
- A programming language $U$ is universal if
- for any other programming language $T$
- there's a program $c_T$, called a compiler such that
- for any program $p$ written in $T$,
- there's another program $p'$ written in $U$ such that
they give the same answer
$p'$ is no longer than concatenating the compiler and the program for $T$.
Algorithmic Information Theory
- Kolmogorov, Solomonoff, Chaitin in the 1960's.
- The complexity $H_U(x)$ of a string $x$ with respect to a TM $U$ is the shortest program for $U$ whose output is $x$:
$H_U(x) = {\rm min}(\{ |p| \ \ |\ \ p \in \{0,1\}^*\mbox{ and }U(p) = x\})$
- The smallest program $p$ is called the elegant program for $x$.
- Work with prefix-free programs. Then can use Lebesgue measure to assign probability.
Formal Axiomatic Systems
- Axioms and rules $=>$ Theorems
- Theorem examiner is a program that enumerates all possible proofs and asks of each proof:
- Does this theorem prove that $p$ is elegant for some $x$?
- Is $|p| > |\mbox{FAS}| + |\mbox{theorem examiner}|$?
If yes to both, then return $x$.
- Contradiction, so no such long proofs exist!
Chaitin's $\Omega$ (1974)
$$\Omega = \sum_{\small \mbox{$p$ halts}} 2^{-|p|}$$
- Theorem: Bits of $\Omega$ are random, i.e.
$H_U(\Omega[m]) \ge m - c_U$
where $x[m]$ denotes the first $m$ bits of the binary fraction $x$.
Chaitin's $\Omega$ (1974)
Chaitin's $\Omega$ (1974)
- Add up contributions of halting programs
- When $m$ bits match, no more $p$ such that $|p| < m$ can halt, because otherwise the contribution $2^{-|p|} > 2^{-m}$ and one of the bits would change!
Chaitin's $\Omega$ (1974)
- There is a program $\Psi$ that
- reads in $\Omega_U[m]$
- computes the outputs of the halting programs
- chooses a string $x$ not in that set
$H_U(\Psi(\Omega_U[m])) = H_U(x) > m$
Chaitin's $\Omega$ (1974)
- By universality of $U$, there's a program $c_{\Psi}$ that implements it, so
$|c_{\Psi}| + H_U(\Omega_U[m]) \ge H_U(x) > m$
and setting $c = |c_\Psi|$,
$H(\Omega_U[m]) \ge H(x) - |c_{\Psi}| \ge m - c$
Chaitin's Incompleteness Theorem
- Given a program implementing any FAS and a theorem examiner that looks for proofs about the values of bits of $\Omega_U[m]$, we can find its length
$N = |\mbox{FAS}| + |\mbox{theorem examiner}|.$
This program cannot prove the values of more than $m = N + c$ bits. So a FAS like ZFC can't tell you more than a few bits of $\Omega_U$.
- So, there are infinitely many unprovable true statements, namely the values of the bits of $\Omega_U.$
- Calude et al. computed 64 bits of $\Omega$ for a simple programming language.
Chaitin's Incompleteness Theorem
- If you add $k$ bits worth of axioms to your FAS, you'll be able to prove at most $k$ more bits of $\Omega_U$.
- The bits of $\Omega_U$ are irreducible information
- The answer to any finitely refutable problem is encoded in the bits of $\Omega:$ Riemann hypothesis, Goldbach's conjecture, Fermat's last theorem.
- Given enough bits to cover a FAS and theorem examiner, you can tell (in principle) whether it will ever generate a proof of a given conjecture!
Tadaki: Partial Randomness (2002)
$$\Omega_U(s) = \sum_{\small \mbox{$p$ halts}} 2^{-s|p|}$$
- For computable real $s>1,$ $\Omega_U(s)$ is $\frac{1}{s}-$random, i.e.
$H(\Omega_U(s)[m]) \ge \frac{m}{s} - c$
Stay: Zeta function of a Turing machine (2005)
Stay: Zeta function of a Turing machine (2005)
$$\zeta_T(s) = \sum_{\small \mbox{bin$(n)$ halts}} n^{-s}$$
- For universal $U$,
$\zeta_U(s)$ is $\frac{1}{s}-$random.
- For any machine $R$ that halts on all inputs (not just prefix-free ones),
$\zeta_R(s)$ is Riemann zeta.
Stay: Uncertainty principle
- Let $\zeta = \zeta_U(1)$.
- Given $\zeta[m],$ the uncertainty in $\zeta$ is $\Delta\zeta = 2^{-m}$.
- What is the uncertainty in the elegant program for $\zeta[m]$ given an unknown string $s$?
- If all the information we need is in $s$---that is,
$U(s) = \zeta[m]$
---then $n=1.$
- If $s$ is independent of $\zeta[m]$, then $n$ needs to satisfy
$U(\mbox{bin}(n)) = \zeta[m]$
and since $|\mbox{bin}(n)| > m-c$, $n > 2^{-m+c}$.
- The difference between these extremes is the uncertainty, so $\Delta n \ge 2^{-m+c_U}$.
Stay: Uncertainty Principle
$\Delta \zeta \Delta n \ge 2^{-c_U}$