%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This is the record of changes to files in the directory math.ucr.edu/~res/math133 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2007 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ At the beginning of the quarter the directory contained the following files: aaaLOGFILE The file that is now open and being read. aaaREADME Statement that files are only to be used for UCR purposes. azaINFORMATION.pdf General information about the course, including contact information, dates of examinations, grading policy for the course, and so on. braintest.pdf Amusement file to point out the need for looking carefully at questions before impulsively going in the wrong direction. braintest2.pdf Followup to the previous braintest.pdf files, with more of the same types of questions. geometryintro.pdf Introductory remarks about the course. geometrynotes1.pdf Lecture notes for the first unit. math133update00.pdf Suggested readings for review and starting out the course. math133exercises1.pdf Exercises for the first unit math133readings1.pdf Summary of "suggested readings" in Ryan for Unit I. math133schedulef07.pdf Tentative timetable for the course. mathproofs.pdf A brief summary of common proof methods, strategies and common mistakes. metgeom.pdf Reference material for Section II.4 of the lecture notes (which has not yet been posted). oldreferences.pdf A fairly old list of bibliographic references for topics related to this course. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2007 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The following files were added: math133f07outline.pdf Outline for the course listing sections in the course notes geometrynotes*.pdf (where * = 0, 1, ... ). azaBRIEFINTRO.pdf An abbreviated version of the file azaINFORMATION.pdf with only the most basic course information.