This is the {7,3} tiling: a tiling of the hyperbolic plane by equal-sized regular heptagons, 3 meeting at each vertex. The symmetry group of this tiling is the Coxeter group
which is generated by 3 reflections of the hyperbolic plane obeying relations encoded in the edges of the diagram:
together with relations saying that each generator squares to 1 and distant ones commute:
This group, also known as the (2,3,7) triangle group or , is connected to a lot of interesting mathematics:
• (2,3,7) triangle group, Wikipedia.
For example, Klein’s quartic curve, the maximally symmetric 3-holed Riemann surface, can be tiled by 24 regular heptagons. The best way to see this is to describe Klein’s quartic curve as a quotient of the hyperbolic plane by a discrete group of symmetries that preserves the {7,3,3} tiling:
• John Baez, Klein’s quartic curve.
The image above is one among many generated by Anton Sherwood using a Python program. He put it in the public domain, and it is available on Wikicommons.