Mathematics 10B-001 Fall 2013---Calculus of Several Variables II(Underconstruction)

Math 10B Time: TTh 12.40--2.00PM. Location: Phy. 2104. First Class: Sept. 26 (Th).

Tentative Syllabus

Text: Vector Calculus, by S. Colley

Midterm on the seventh week

Final Exam: Dec. 12 (Th), 11.30--2.30PM 2013

Satellite Classes: MATH-10B-002, W 11:10-12.00AM, MSE 003

MATH-10B-003, W 5.10-6PM, INTS 1121

Syllabus of Math 10A/pdf

Office Hours

My office hour is T 3.00-4.00PM in Surge 237 or by appointment

Teaching Assistants and Reader

Math 10B-002 and Math 10B-003 D. M. Blanton

E-mail: office hours M. 2--3pm, F. 1--2pm in Surge 263

Reader: WeBWorK

A List of Homework and Sample Exams(see also)

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