Mathematics 138A-001(Winter) and 138B-001(Spring)---Introduction to Differential Geometry(under construction)

Tentative Syllabus for Math138A(Winter)

Time: MWF 1.10--2.00PM. Location: INTS 2130. First Class: Jan. 9 (M).

Text: Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces, by Manfredo P. Do Carmo

Reference: 1. Elementary Differential Geometry, by B. O'Neill

2. Elementary Topics in Differential Geometry, by J. A. Thorpe

Midterm: F. Feb. 24, 2017, 1.10-2.00PM; Final Exam: Th March 23, 2017, 8-11AM in INTS. 2130

Discussion Class: T 4.10-5PM, LifeSci. 2418.

Tentative Syllabus for Math 138B(Spring)/pdf

Time: TTh. 11.10-12.30Noon. Location: INTS 2130. First class: April 4 (T).

Text: Same as 138A.

Reference: Semi-Riemannian Geometry, by B. O'Neill

Midterm: Th. May 18, 2017, 11.10 to 12.30Noon; Final Exam: June 16, 8 to 11AM in INTS 2130.

Disscussion Class: W 12.10-1PM. Location: INTS 2132.

Office Hours

My office hour is after each my 46 lecture (3.30pm) and officialy F 2.00-3.30PM or by appointment; in Surge 237.

TA for 138A: J. Cohen, office hours: M. 3pm to 4pm in Pierce 2429. E-mail:

TA for 138B: X. Olive, office hour: Friday 12noon to 1pm in Surge 281. E-mail:

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