I'm beginning to tire out but there is one loose end (out of many) that I'd like to nail down. I've mentioned noncommutative tori a couple of times but haven't defined them or said what they have to do with physics.
Okay: recall that means the Hilbert
space of square-integrable complex function on the real line. If we
define the unitary operators
given by
The algebra of operators on generated by
their inverses is called the noncommutative torus
. (If you know how,
it's better to take the C*-algebra generated by two unitaries
Why is called a "torus"? Note that it depends on the parameter . If
we take
is the C*-algebra generated by two unitaries
that commute. This may identified the algebra of functions on a
torus if we think of
as multiplication by
multiplication by
, where
are the two angles on
the torus. So we've got a one-parameter family of algebras
such that when
, it's just the algebra of (continuous) functions
on a torus, but for
not equal to one we have some sort of
noncommutative analog thereof. The parameter
noncommutativity or "quantum-ness", and one can relate it to Planck's
constant (which also measures "quantum-ness") by
Now it shouldn't be too surprising that the noncommutative torus is an
r-commutative algebra, since the commutation relations tell you
exactly how to "switch"
. I've shown that there is a unique way
to make the noncommutative torus into a strong r-commutative algebra
such that
If you're interested in learning more about noncommutative tori, a good review article is
Let me just conclude by saying that noncommutative tori have
applications in physics. This shouldn't really be surprising since
they're such simple things. Let's say you have a charged particle
trapped on the plane, and there's a magnetic field of constant
perpendicular to the plane. Then the momentum operators in the
direction and the
direction no longer commute. Exponentials of these
(i.e., translations) generate a noncommutative torus, and this fact has
been used by Bellisard to do certain calculations of the quantum Hall
effect! See:
© 1992 John Baez