Another remarkable feature of Einstein's equation is the pressure term: it
says that not only energy density but also pressure causes gravitational
attraction. This may seem to violate our intuition that pressure makes
matter want to expand! Here, however, we are talking about
gravitational effects of pressure, which are undetectably small in
everyday circumstances. To see this, let's restore the factors
of . Also, let's remember that in ordinary circumstances
most of the energy is in the form of rest energy, so we can
write the energy density
is the ordinary mass
There are a number of important situations in which does not
dominate over
. In a neutron star, for example, which is held up
by the degeneracy pressure of the neutronium it consists of, pressure
and energy density contribute comparably to the right-hand side of
Einstein's equation. Moreover, above a mass of about 2 solar masses a
nonrotating neutron star will inevitably collapse to form a black
hole, thanks in part to the gravitational attraction caused by
pressure. In fact, any object of mass
will form a black hole if
it is compressed to a radius smaller than its Schwarzschild radius,
© 2006 John Baez and Emory Bunn