We have studied three different grand unified theories:
the ,
theories. The
theories were
based on different visions about how to extend the Standard
Model. However, we saw that both of these theories can be extended
to the
theory, which therefore unites these visions.
The theory is all about treating isospin and color on an
equal footing: it combines the two isospins of
the three colors of
, and posits an
acting on the resulting
. The particles and antiparticles in a single
generation of fermions are described by vectors in
. So, we
can describe each of these particles and antiparticles by a binary
code indicating the presence or absence of up, down, red,
green and blue.
In doing so, the theory introduces unexpected relationships
between matter and antimatter. The irreducible representations of
But the Standard Model has another
-grading that
does respect. This is the distinction between left- and
right-handedness. Remember, the left-handed particles and
antiparticles live in the even grades:
This characteristic of the theory lives on in its extension to
. There, the distinction between left and right is the only
distinction among particles and antiparticles that
knows about,
are irreducible. This says the
theory unifies all left-handed particles and antiparticles,
and all right-handed particles and antiparticles.
In contrast, the
theory was all about adding a
fourth `color',
, to represent leptons, and restoring a kind of symmetry
between left and right by introducing a right-handed
that treats
right-handed particles like the left-handed
treats left-handed
Unlike the theory, the
theory respects
-gradings in the Standard Model: the matter-antimatter
grading, and the right-left grading.
The reason is that
respects the
-grading on
, and we have:
When we extend
to the
we identify
. Then the
-grading on
-grading on
using addition in
This sounds rather technical, but it is as simple as ``even + odd = odd'':
Furthermore, the two routes to the
theory that we have described,
one going through
and the other through
are compatible. In other words, this cube commutes:
So, all four theories fit together in an elegant algebraic pattern.
What this means for physics--if
anything--remains unknown. Yet we cannot resist feeling that it
means something, and we cannot resist venturing a guess:
the Standard Model is exactly the theory that
reconciles the visions built into the and
What this might mean is not yet precise, but since all these
theories involve symmetries and representations, the `reconciliation' must
take place at both those levels--and we can see this
in a precise way.
First, at the level of symmetries, our Lie groups are related by the
commutative square of homomorphisms:
To see this, first recall that the image of a group under
a homomorphism is just the quotient group formed by
modding out the kernel of that homomorphism. If we do this for each of our
homomorphisms above, we get a commutative square of inclusions:
As a step towards showing this, first consider what happens when we pass from
the spin groups to the rotation groups. We can accomplish this by modding out
by an additional
above. We get another commutative square of
Now, let us show:
Proof. We can prove this in the same manner that we showed, in
Section 3.1, that
To begin with, the group is the group of orientation-preserving
symmetries of the 10-dimensional real inner product space
. But
is suspiciously like
, a 5-dimensional complex inner product
space. Indeed, if we forget the complex structure on
, we get an
, a real inner product space with symmetries
. We can consider the subgroup of
that preserves the
original complex structure. This is
. If we further
pick a volume form on
, i.e. a nonzero element of
, and look
at the symmetries fixing that volume form, we get a copy of
Then we can pick a splitting on
. The
subgroup of
that also preserves this is
We can also reverse the order of these processes. Imposing a
splitting on
yields a
splitting on the underlying real vector
. The subgroup of
preserves this splitting is
: the
block diagonal matrices with
orthogonal blocks
and overall determinant 1. The connected component of this subgroup
The direct summands in
came from forgetting the complex
structure on
. The subgroup of
preserving the original complex structure is
and the subgroup of this that also fixes a volume
form on
This group is connected, so it must lie entirely
in the connected component of the identity, and we get the inclusions:
It follows that
is precisely the subgroup of
that preserves a complex structure on
, a chosen volume form on the
resulting complex vector space, and a
splitting on this space. But this
splitting is the same as a compatible
splitting of
, one in which each summand is a complex vector subspace as well as a
real subspace. This means that
From this, a little diagram chase proves our earlier claim:
Proof. By now we have built the following commutative diagram:
The kernel of consists of two elements, which we will
simply call
. Since
, we know
In short, the Standard Model has precisely
the symmetries shared by both the theory and the
theory. Now let us see what this
means for the Standard Model representation.
We can `break the symmetry' of the
theory in two different ways.
In the first way, we start by picking the subgroup of
preserves the
-grading and volume form in
. This is
Then we pick the subgroup of
that respects
the splitting of
. This subgroup is
the Standard Model gauge group, modulo a discrete subgroup,
and its representation on
is the Standard Model representation.
We can draw this symmetry breaking process in the following diagram:
We can also break the symmetry of
in a way that uses
theory as a halfway house.
We do essentially the same two steps as before, but in the reverse order!
This time we start by picking the subgroup of
that respects the splitting of
This subgroup is
modulo a discrete subgroup.
The two factors in this subgroup act separately on the factors of
. Then we pick the
subgroup of
that respects the
and volume form on
This subgroup is the Standard Model gauge group, modulo a discrete subgroup,
and its representation on
is the Standard Model
We can draw this alternate symmetry breaking process in the following