Mike Pierce

Math10A, Vector Calculus

My email address is .

My office hours are Mondays, 3–6pm in Orbach Library 330 and 7–8pm in Surge 283

Syllabus for Dr Livesay’s Discussions

We will start each discussion section with brief quiz that Dr Livesay wants me to give you. The purpose of these quizes is just to put a little bit of pressure on you to keep up with your homework and studying. In total the quizes are only worth like 20% of your grade, so don’t worry about them too much.

After the quiz in discussion I’ll go over the quiz problem(s), and then we can use the rest of discussion to talk about whatever is troubling you: a tough exercise you are stuck on, something confusing that Dr Livesay said in lecture, some concept you are struggling with, or whatever. Or if you’d rather leave after the quiz, that’s fine.

And of course, if you have any questions, please come to my office hours to talk, or feel free to email me any questions you have. If you can’t make my office hours or the instructor’s office hours, you can always drop in to the Math Emporium to get some help. The Math Emporium is an open tutoring lab located in the Bookstore Annex 128 (just to the left of the main bookstore entrance) The Math Emporium’s hours this quarter are MWF 10am – 6pm, and TTh 2pm – 6pm.

Syllabus for Dr Liu’s Discussions

We’ll have a few quizes in discussion sprinkled throughout the quarter. Dr Liu should announce beforehand when these quizes will be. Aside from those quizes we can use the rest of discussion to talk about whatever is troubling you: a tough exercise you are stuck on, something confusing that Dr Liu said in lecture, some concept you are struggling with, or whatever. Or if you’d rather leave after the quiz, that’s fine.

And of course, if you have any questions, please come to my office hours to talk, or feel free to email me any questions you have. If you can’t make my office hours or the instructor’s office hours, you can always drop in to the Math Emporium to get some help. The Math Emporium is an open tutoring lab located in the Bookstore Annex 128 (just to the left of the main bookstore entrance) The Math Emporium’s hours this quarter are MWF 10am – 6pm, and TTh 2pm – 6pm.


Vector Calculus by Marsden and Tromba (6th Edition)


Suppose you are on a surface, either a sphere or a torus, and all you have is a can of red paint, how can you tell which surface you are on?
Suppose you are placing planes in three-dimensional space that all go through the origin (0, 0, 0) with the goal of separating space into as many parts as possible. So when you place the first plane, you've separated space into two pieces. You can place a second plane and separate space into four pieces, and then you can place a third plane to separate space into eight parts (think of the coordinate planes as an example of this). If you were to place a fourth plane in space going through the origin, what is the largest number of parts that you can have divided space into?

How many spheres are needed to shield a point source of light?
