Fractal Analysis,
Dynamical Systems,
Mathematical Physics
Picture: An eye-shaped bifurcation locus of a family of quadratic rational maps from the research of
Laura DeMarco.
Seminar Organizer: Distinguished Professor of Mathematics, Michel L. Lapidus
Michel Lapidus' research interests:
Mathematical Physics, Analysis/PDEs, Fractal Geometry, Spectral Geometry, Dynamical Systems.
Websites: UCR Website,
Research Gate Profile,
Linkedin Profile, and
Benefunder Profile.
- Sara Lapan's research interests:
Local holomorphic dynamics in several complex variables.
- Michel Lapidus' research interests:
Mathematical Physics, Analysis/PDEs, Fractal Geometry, Spectral Geometry, Dynamical Systems.
Websites: UCR Website,
Research Gate Profile,
Linkedin Profile, and
Benefunder Profile.
- David Weisbart's research interests:
Quantum Theory, Non-Archimedean Analysis, and Probability.
- Zhenghe Zhang's research interests:
Dynamical Systems, Spectral Theory, Mathematical Physics.
Graduate Students:
Our UCR PhD Graduates:
Former Postdocs & Visiting Assistant Professors:
Former Visiting Scholars:
Our Recent & Current Undergraduates:
- Joseph Adams
- Mutaz Alsayegh
- Jason Payne
- Diane Pell
- Emad Totari
- Sean Townsend
- Leo Vu
Websites of Interest: