Fields and Galois Theory
Math 201C - Spring 2016

Instructor: Carl Mautner
Meeting time: MWF 2-3 in room Surge 284.
Office hours: W 3-4 (or by appointment) in room 255 Surge


Course Description: Algebraic and transcendental extensions of fields, Galois theory, and tensor and exterior algebras.

Text: Algebra by Hungerford, 2nd edition.

Grades: The grade will be based on homework assignments (20%), one midterm exam (30%) and a final exam (50%).

Homework: Homework will generally be assigned over the course of the week and due the following Wednesday. A list of the homework problems will be kept on the webpage.

Collaboration: You are encouraged to discuss homework problems with other students. The final write-up of any solution, however, should be your own. Copying other students' solutions is not allowed.

Homework assignments:
1) (Due Apr. 13) - Read Section V.1 and start working through the problems, the following will be collected: pdf.
There will be a make-up session on Wednesday April 13th after class.
2) (Due Apr. 20) - pdf.
3) (Due Apr. 27) - pdf. Note: We have skipped V.2 and are doing parts of V.3 before returning to V.2.
4) (Due May 4) - pdf.
5) (Due May 18) - pdf.
6) (Due May 25) - pdf.

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